Putnam-St. John's Farm Bureau

2015 Youth Speech Contest Winner

The 2015 PSJCFB Speech Contest was won by Brittany Stanley, a Palatka High Senior

 The theme was “How does Florida’s Right to Farm Act help farmers and ranchers when their rights are challenged?”

Scholarship Winners Announced

Congratulations to Emmett Peterson and Ava Desmond! They are recipients of two of our college scholarships. Ava received the Teddy Siehler Distinguished Service Scholarship and Emmett received the Bill and Mary Ethel Cotton Legacy Scholarship. We wish both of these young people success in their future endeavors!

2020 Spud Run

Funds raised from this event will directly benefit opportunities and programs for agricultural education, such as 4-H, Future Farmers of America, and Farm City Week. Proceeds from the race will benefit the Putnam – St. Johns County Farm Bureau. This organization is formed with the purpose of solving problems concerning agriculturalists and the agricultural industry. We believe farming is necessary to the viability and sustainability of promoting our counties, state and nation. Hence, we operate to insure and better promote the profitability of our farmers.  We thank you for your support! URL:  http://spudrun.net/

2021 Youth Speech Contest

Putnam/St. Johns County Farm Bureau is accepting application for the 2021 Farm Bureau Youth Speech Contest. Each year, the local Farm Bureau hosts a Youth Speech Contest. There are cash prizes and the winner is eligible to compete at the regional and state-level.

Qualifies: Students must be 14-18 years old by Sept. 10, 2021 and reside in Putnam or St. Johns County

No Farm Bureau membership is required and no cost to enter.

Theme: “Agriculture impacts everyone’s daily life. What are three effective ways to educate young people about agriculture?”

The speech must be five-minutes (+/- 30 seconds) on the selected topic.

Contest will be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2021 at 5 p.m. at God’s Way Baptist Church

For more information and registration please visit the link below or contact Breanna Pierce at 386-325-5822.