Putnam-St. John's Farm Bureau

Farm Bureau has a lot to offer. Consider getting involved in one of these activities.

Young Farmers and Ranchers

Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers are active members between the ages of 18 and 35.  Each year, active members in that age group have the opportunity to compete in the Achievement in Agriculture Award Program and participate in the state Discussion Meet.

Women’s Committee

The Women’s Committee was organized for the purpose of implementing Farm Bureau policy goals and objectives. The program uses the unique talents of women to enable Farm Bureau to be more effective in its organizational, legislative, educational and promotional efforts. Any woman from a Farm Bureau family is eligible to participate in local, state and national activities. Find out more.

Field to the Hill

Field to the Hill is an annual event organized by Florida Farm Bureau that allows members to visit their elected officials in Washington.

Food Check-Out Week

Food Check-Out Week is a celebration of the abundant, nutritious and safe food Florida farmers and ranchers produce for all of us. It is celebrated each year in February.

Read our letter to the Editor here.

Florida Ag Literacy Day

Putnam-St Johns County Farm Bureau members participate in many Florida Ag in the Classroom activities.  On that day, Farm Bureau volunteers went to several schools and read to several 4th grade classes. This year’s book was “Florida’s Farm History!” This book was a celebration of Florida’s 500 years of agricultural history. 

Find out more.

Legislative Action/FBACT

Florida Farm Bureau and Putnam-St. Johns Farm Bureau are active in the legislative process representing farmers, ranchers and land owners on a variety of issues. Let your voice be heard.

Youth Programs

Each Year Putnam-St. Johns hosts a number of ag-related events involving the youth of the community.
An agriculture speech contest for students in the area. A $100 prize money is awarded. The winner of that contest moves forward to the district contest, and that winner qualifies for the state contest, held at the annual meeting.
Putnam-St. Johns County Farm Bureau partnered with Florida Ag in the Classroom and St Johns County 4-H for Ag AgVenture Days. This was a two-day event located at the St Johns Co Fair Grounds. We reached about 400 4th grade youth and taught them the importance of local, state, and national agriculture.
Each year, Putnam-St. Johns Farm Bureau sponsors the youth involved with the Putnam County Fair by donating “add-ons” and sponsoring the awards banquet.
In 2020, Putnam-St. Johns County Farm Bureau provided two $1500 scholarships and one $1000 scholarship to deserving high school seniors.